Positioning OffsetX as the innovative go-to for carbon credit solution

Release Date:

May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024










Brand strategy & positioning

Brand strategy & positioning

Brand strategy & positioning

Executive Summary

OffsetX, a startup helping companies manage their carbon footprint through tax-free carbon credits, had the technical solution but struggled to position themselves in the market. Iaculus redefined their brand strategy and identity, aligning their core values of seamless innovation and environmental development with their ICP’s needs.

Executive Summary

OffsetX, a startup helping companies manage their carbon footprint through tax-free carbon credits, had the technical solution but struggled to position themselves in the market. Iaculus redefined their brand strategy and identity, aligning their core values of seamless innovation and environmental development with their ICP’s needs.

Executive Summary

OffsetX, a startup helping companies manage their carbon footprint through tax-free carbon credits, had the technical solution but struggled to position themselves in the market. Iaculus redefined their brand strategy and identity, aligning their core values of seamless innovation and environmental development with their ICP’s needs.

Executive Summary

OffsetX, a startup helping companies manage their carbon footprint through tax-free carbon credits, had the technical solution but struggled to position themselves in the market. Iaculus redefined their brand strategy and identity, aligning their core values of seamless innovation and environmental development with their ICP’s needs.





Creating a Clear Path to Market for a Complex Product

OffsetX needed to translate their highly technical carbon credit solution into an easy-to-understand offering for industrial clients.

Their main goal was to create a brand and positioning that resonated with their ICP’s core values of seamless operation, environmental responsibility, and innovation while emphasizing the tax-free benefits.




A Technical Solution with No Market Resonance

Although OffsetX had developed a cutting-edge solution for carbon credit management, they struggled to connect with their ICP.

Their original brand was focused on technical elements, but it failed to communicate the ease, value, and environmental impact to potential customers.

OffsetX’s service providers lacked the strategic and identity expertise needed to build a brand that truly differentiated them.





From Tech-Focused to Client-Focused: Shaping OffsetX’s Market Position

Iaculus began by identifying what OffsetX’s ICP—industrial companies looking to manage carbon footprints—truly cared about:

  • ease of use

  • tax-free benefits

  • and environmental value.

We revamped their brand identity, moving away from the narrow focus on technical elements and creating a more expansive positioning.

This included redesigning their logo and visual elements to reflect innovation and seamless environmental development.

We refined their messaging, focusing on OffsetX’s vision and ability to make carbon credit management simple and valuable to clients, while highlighting the tax-free advantage.

Services Provided

  • Brand strategy

  • Brand Differentiation

  • GTM Strategy

  • Brand positioning

  • Brand Identity Revamp

  • Messaging Realignment





A Stronger Market Presence, More LOIs, and Clearer Brand Differentiation

Through our strategic overhaul, OffsetX saw a clear shift in how their brand was perceived.

Their new identity resonated with the market.

Internally, OffsetX gained a deeper understanding of their differentiation and future offerings, empowering them to confidently launch.

The brand strategy we crafted positioned them as a no-brainer solution for managing carbon credits, making them stand out to their ICP as the innovators they truly are.





Isaure Courcenet

Co-Founder OFFSETx

I had the privilege of working with Arcui. from the get-go, you benefit from the expertise of a passionate and driven individual that offers clear and valuable insights to perfect your brand image, communication, and puts the spotlight on client experience.  

I had the privilege of working with Arcui. from the get-go, you benefit from the expertise of a passionate and driven individual that offers clear and valuable insights to perfect your brand image, communication, and puts the spotlight on client experience.  

I had the privilege of working with Arcui. from the get-go, you benefit from the expertise of a passionate and driven individual that offers clear and valuable insights to perfect your brand image, communication, and puts the spotlight on client experience.  

I had the privilege of working with Arcui. from the get-go, you benefit from the expertise of a passionate and driven individual that offers clear and valuable insights to perfect your brand image, communication, and puts the spotlight on client experience.